Looking back
Building on its role as the principal advisor to the President, NTIA promotes interagency coordination on broadband matters with federal partners. Important interagency milestones are reflected below.
July 2014
President Obama announces the Build America Investment Initiative, a government-wide initiative to increase infrastructure investment and economic growth.
March 2015
President Obama establishes the Broadband Opportunity Council (BOC) via Presidential memorandum, co-chaired by the Secretaries of the Departments of Commerce and Agriculture, to increase broadband access for under-served communities and rural areas.
January 2017
NTIA and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS) form and co-chair the Broadband Interagency Working Group (BIWG), an interagency effort to continue the work begun under the BOC. BIWG continues to meet over the next two years.
April 2017
Through an Executive Order, President Trump creates the Interagency Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity, chaired by USDA, whose focus included economic development, infrastructure improvements, and technological innovation in rural America.
Spring 2018
The Executive Office of the President requests NTIA’s assistance to implement broadband-related task force findings. NTIA and USDA and interagency counterparts organize workstreams and launch the “American Broadband Initiative” the following year, whose executive leadership team comprises USDA, NTIA, and the White House (Office of Management and Budget and National Economic Council).
December 2018
President Trump signs the Farm Bill, which required the NTIA, USDA, and Federal Communications Commission to submit a report on how best to coordinate federally supported broadband programs and activities.
December 2020
President Trump signs the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, establishing legislative mandate for interagency coordination on broadband efforts through the ACCESS BROADBAND Act and Broadband Interagency Coordination Act.
Spring 2021
NTIA continues interagency coordination activities of the Federal Funding Workstream (FFWS) as requested by the Biden Administration.
November 2021
President Biden signs the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act / Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, authorized $1.2 trillion in infrastructure spending, including $46 billion for NTIA’s Internet For All (IFA) initiative. IIJA also authorized the FCC “to establish an online mapping tool to provide a locations overview of the overall geographic footprint of each broadband infrastructure deployment project funded by the Federal Government,” an important tool to promote coordination.
May 2022
NTIA, FCC, USDA, and Treasury sign Memorandum Of Understanding Regarding Information Sharing and continue standing bi-weekly interagency meetings.
May 2022
GAO issues report on interagency coordination: Broadband: National Strategy Needed to Guide Federal Efforts to Reduce Digital Divide | U.S. GAO.
April 2022
President Biden establishes the White House Infrastructure Implementation Team (WHIIT) and Broadband Coordination Group (BCG).
February 2023
FCC submits Report to Congress on Broadband Interagency Coordination Agreement.
May 2023
FCC launches the Broadband Funding Map.
January 2024
Congressional Research Service issues report: Federal Funding for Broadband Deployment: Agencies and Considerations for Congress.
March 2024
USDA announces ReConnect Round 5 NOFO, including new coordination procedures with State Broadband Offices.
July 2024
NTIA, FCC, USDA and Treasury renew the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Information Sharing (effective May 9, 2024).
September 2024
NTIA releases report in response to May 2022 GAO Report.