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State, Territory and Local Governments

NTIA is committed to increasing broadband internet access across America.  BroadbandUSA and NTIA provide support to state, territory, and local governments that are seeking to expand broadband connectivity and promote digital inclusion through solution-neutral guides and resources, interagency coordination, and the administration of grant programs. 

State and Territory Map

The State and Territory Map compiles information on all state and territory broadband offices.

Click below to visit interactive map

United States Map in gray with Alabama outlined
Room with people in small groups

State Broadband Leaders Network

The NTIA's BroadbandUSA program convenes and facilitates the State Broadband Leaders Network (SBLN), a community of practitioners who work on state broadband initiatives. SBLN participants share priorities and best practices and discuss emerging telecommunications policy issues. The network also provides a forum to strengthen policy and program connections among states, local jurisdictions and federal agencies.  


A large group of individuals seated at tables in a spacious room, listening to presenter.

Local Coordination

States and territories are required to coordinate with a variety of stakeholder groups on the Broadband, Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) and Digital Equity (DE) programs and must document their local coordination and outreach activities. This involves providing a detailed description of their efforts to engage Tribal and local governments, community groups, industry, union and worker organizations, and underrepresented populations (among others) in their BEAD Five-Year Action Plan, Initial Proposal, and Final Proposal. States and territories are also strongly encouraged to integrate their local coordination efforts with any outreach and coordination efforts required pursuant to the Digital Equity Act.

NTIA supported state/territory broadband offices in meeting this requirement by co-hosting multiple day-long workshops to convene key stakeholders from within the state/territory. These workshops were intended to both open lines of communication between the state and territories and local stakeholders and establish a process for ongoing engagement and coordination with them in the development of these plans.  


State, Territory and Local Government Resources

Broadband infrastructure planning

Technical Assistance

BroadbandUSA has developed several resources to provide guidance and technical assistance to state, territory and local governments on broadband.

Broadband adoption - child using device

Funding Programs

Find more information about NTIA's programs and other federal broadband programs.

Broadband fiber cable

News and Updates

Keep up with all of the latest NTIA news, blog posts, and updates.

Broadband infrastructure telecom tower


Find upcoming and past BBUSA events.