Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program
The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program provides $42.45 billion to expand high-speed Internet access by funding planning, infrastructure deployment and adoption programs. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the five territories participating in the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program have approved Internet for All plans. NTIA approval means all 56 states and territories are taking the next steps to request access to their allocated BEAD funding and select the providers who will build and upgrade the high-speed Internet networks of the future.
Learn more about CostQuest licensing
NTIA has released a limited general applicability nonavailability waiver of the Buy America Domestic Content Procurement Preference as applied to recipients of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program.
Click below to learn more about the waiver.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

BEAD State Broadband Office Resource Index

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
Final Proposal Resources
Initial Proposal Resources
BEAD Model Challenge Process
These CSV templates are intended to support Eligible Entities in implementing the challenge results submission data format requirements, as outlined in the Policy Notice:

Tracked Changes and Comments Received
NTIA sought feedback from the public from April 25, 2023, to May 5, 2023, on a BEAD Challenge Process Policy Notice to provide Eligible Entities with additional guidance on how to design and conduct their BEAD challenge process and a Model BEAD Challenge Process.
Comments and versions with tracked changes against the draft versions are provided below.
NEPA Resources

BEAD NEPA OBLIGATIONS are detailed in Section 13 Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Review on page 7
Smart Start - How to Plan and Prepare for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance for BEAD
General NEPA Guidance and Tools
NEPA: Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance Webinar
Download Slide Deck
Permitting and Environmental
Information Application

NBAM Training Series: NTIA Permitting and Environmental Information Application

Technical Assistance
Find information, technical assistance, and documentation to help manage your award.

Funding Recipients
See all of the announced award recipients, the award totals, and locations for this grant program.

Program Archive
Need documents from past stages of the program? Visit the program archive for past FAQs, program documentation, and assistance sessions.

Press Releases
Keep up with all of the latest news, events, and updates for this program. Visit the News and Updates page.

Blogs and Events
Need documents from past stages of the program? Visit the program archive for past FAQs, program documentation, and assistance sessions.
News and Updates
Readout of the NTIA OMBI Roundtable on Workforce Readiness and Talent Pathways
Dr. Dominique Harrison, Director, Office of Minority Broadband Initiatives
Francella Ochillo, Director, Office of Public Engagement
Connecting every resident to affordable, reliable, high-speed Internet service requires a strong telecommunications workforce. Creating a talent pipeline for long-term broadband infrastructure needs depends on coordination across government, Internet service providers (ISPs), institutions of higher education (IHEs), workforce development practitioners, and public interest advocates.
Final Guidance for BEAD Funding of Alternative Broadband Technology
Today, NTIA released guidance to clarify how states can use broadband funding to deploy technologies like Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite and unlicensed fixed wireless.
With All Funds Obligated, NTIA Takes Additional Steps to Accelerate BEAD Construction
As of last week, the federal government has obligated all $42.45 billion in BEAD funding to states and territories (the “Eligible Entities”). This means that, subject to the terms and conditions of their awards, Eligible Entities can access their BEAD allocation to connect every resident to affordable, reliable high-speed Internet service. With all 56 Eligible Entities having now reached this critical milestone, we know that grantees are eager to begin deployment of new high-speed Internet networks.
Ramping Up the BEAD Workforce: 5 Things States, ISPs, and Construction Firms Can Be Doing Now
By: Will Arbuckle, Senior Policy Advisor, NTIA
The $42.45 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program aims to connect 25 million Americans currently without high-speed Internet access. Building these broadband networks on time and at scale across 56 states and territories will require tens of thousands of broadband construction workers: from network designers to pole surveyors, from locators to drill operators, from general laborers to fiber splicers.
Every State and Territory is Ready to Implement Internet for All
NTIA has reached a major milestone on the road to connecting everyone in America to affordable, reliable high-speed Internet service. As of today, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the five territories participating in the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program have approved Internet for All plans.
These plans outline how each state and territory will connect every one of their residents to the Internet.