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December Webinar: Rural Broadband and Digital Inclusion Planning Part 1: Gathering Information

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration's (NTIA) BroadbandUSA team invites you to a webinar on broadband and digital inclusion planning in rural areas. This is the first in a series of webinars about rural planning - future topics will include building partnerships, marketing and outreach, broadband adoption and digital literacy training programs.This webinar will cover how to gather information to best inform your broadband and digital inclusion plan, including asset inventory, survey data, community input and other planning resources. The speakers will share their rural planning experiences, including a range of local, regional, and state planning efforts.

Speakers include:

  • Roberto Gallardo, Mississippi State University Extension
  • Chris St Germain, Nez Pierce Tribe
  • Sonja Wall, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education/OneNet
  • Don Williams, NTIA


  • Emy Tseng and Jean Rice from NTIA

This webinar is targeted to local governments but may be of interest to federal and state agencies, researchers and nonprofits. There will be ample time for Q & A.

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