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BroadbandUSA Newsletter April 2021

Latest Updates

Webinar Series: 2021 NTIA Grant Programs

NTIA will hold a webinar series on the three new broadband grant programs authorized and funded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021: Broadband Infrastructure Deployment Program, Tribal Broadband Connectivity, and Connecting Minority Communities. These webinars are designed to help prospective applicants understand the grant programs and to assist in preparing high quality grant applications. Please visit our website to register.

BroadbandUSA Webinars: Practical Broadband Conversations

Catch Up

If you missed last month’s webinar that discussed the new broadband and connectivity expansion bills in the year-end omnibus legislation, you can watch it here. NTIA staff gave an overview of the three new NTIA grant programs: Broadband Infrastructure Deployment, Tribal Broadband Connectivity, and Connecting Minority Communities.

Impact Spotlight

Arizona Broadband Workshop

In partnership with the Arizona Commerce Authority, BroadbandUSA kicked off a new webinar series last month in an effort to enhance rural connectivity in the state. The series, Arizona Broadband Workshops, invites city officials, economic developers, and business leaders to learn about planning broadband projects through interactive exercises and discussions.

Missed the first two sessions? Watch the first one here: Broadband 101 and Economic Development. The second session can be found here: Creating Broadband Action Teams and Building Local Partnerships.

Interested in upcoming sessions? Learn about the full series here.

Did You Know? We Have A Resource For That!

State Broadband Programs

Did you know BroadbandUSA tracks the various broadband programs in states across the country? As part of our work in convening and facilitating the State Broadband Leaders Network (SBLN), we maintain an interactive map on our website to highlight the various programs and key information, such as contact information and funding opportunities. Check it out here and see the most recent updates!

News & Updates

Federal Agency Updates



  • Announcement of new system of records – FCC/WCB-4, Consumer Challenge Process | Federal Register
  • Notice of modification of existing system of records – FCC/WCB-1, Lifeline Program | Federal Register
  • Office of Economics and Analytics and Wireline Competition Bureau Adopt Adjustment Factor Values for the 5G Fund | Federal Register
  • The Emergency Broadband Benefit: Implementation and Future Policy Directions | Congressional Research Service
  • FCC Announces First Slate of Emergency Broadband Benefit Providers | FCC
  • Rosenworcel Circulates Round 2 COVID-19 Telehealth Program R&O | FCC
  • WCB Seeks Comment on the State of the Lifeline Marketplace | FCC


  • The FirstNet Network Expands Across Minnesota to Advance Public Safety Communications Capabilities | FirstNet
  • The FirstNet Network Expands Across Missouri to Advance Public Safety Communications Capabilities | FirstNet
  • Expanding to Serve: FirstNet Surpasses 2.71 Million Square Miles Supporting More than 2 Million Connections | FirstNet

DHHS: The Administration for Community Living will fund research and development to facilitate access and use of wireless technologies by individuals with disabilities |

USDA: Published Final Rule to establish the Rural e-Connectivity Program | Federal Register

State News

  • Arizona: Arizona Seeks Broadband Consulting Services to Update State Broadband Strategic Plan | AZ Commerce Authority
  • California: Sacramento Might be Undergoing a Broadband Policy Reboot | Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • Colorado: Colorado aims to use pandemic to expand funding for broadband access | Axios
  • Idaho: Broadband is essential for Idaho businesses | Idaho State Journal
  • Kentucky: Kentucky State Senate Passes Broadband Funding Bill | Government Technology
  • Maine: More than $100M could be headed to Maine to improve broadband | WABI TV
  • New Mexico: Bills would finally give the state a plan for broadband | Albuquerque Journal
  • North Carolina: North Carolina Unveils Template for Digital Inclusion Plans | Government Technology

NTIA's BroadbandUSA program promotes innovation and economic growth by supporting efforts to expand broadband connectivity and digital inclusion across America. In this role, BroadbandUSA serves state and local government, industry and non-profits that want to expand broadband infrastructure and promote digital inclusion.

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