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BroadbandUSA Newsletter August 2017

Vol 2 | Issue 8 | August 2017

Tourism: Broadband Access is as Important as the View

Whether deep in the woods, on a remote island, or strolling downtown streets, vacationers and owners all want access to broadband connectivity. Why is broadband important to tourists and part-time residents?

  • Renters require Wi-Fi - having Wi-Fi access is as important as the location. Visitors want broadband access from all but the most remote destinations.

  • Vacationers use broadband access to enhance their experiences by learning about nearby sites, checking the weather, getting directions, finding restaurants, reading reviews, posting experiences, etc.

  • For people who own vacation properties, high-quality broadband access makes it easier to work remotely and stay longer. Those extra days can impact the local economy.

  • Sometimes work follows us out of town. The ability to check email, manage a small business, or video conference with clients is often an essential part of vacations.

Why is broadband important to tourist communities and businesses?

  • Public access WiFi enhances the visitor experience - whether they are accessing the Internet at the local coffee shop, at the public library, or on a neighborhood bench, free WiFi is a community amenity that tourists and locals enjoy and appreciate.

  • Digital applications add a new dimension to travel. Parks, towns, and museums use QR codes, cloud applications, and web links to connect visitors to history, culture, and action. or 202-482-2048 to connect with BroadbandUSA Technical Assistance staff. The Practical Broadband Conversations webinar series is taking a vacation this month, too! Join us at our technical assistance workshop in Iowa on August 21st or in September for our next webinar on digital skills and workforce development.

Broadband News and Updates

Federal News

State News

Funding Opportunities

Public Safety/FirstNet

Stakeholder Resources

Industry Awards

Other News

New Broadband Resource

BroadbandUSA released The Power of Broadband Partnership: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments. This toolkit provides an overview of common broadband partnership models and identifies several factors that communities should consider when developing a successful partnership. Click here to access the toolkit.

BroadbandUSA Spotlight

Do you need help developing your broadband infrastructure program? Join BroadbandUSA for a free workshop in Des Moines, Iowa on August 21st. Our technical assistance team will be leading a half-day session that will focus on best practices and lessons learned in planning and funding.

  • Who: BroadbandUSA’s Technical Assistance team will lead the workshop.

  • When: Monday, August 21, 2017; from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CDT

  • Where: The Des Moines Public Library 1000 Grand Avenue, Meeting Room Des Moines, IA 50309

  • Registration: Click here to register.

BroadbandUSA will be hosting another workshop in Charleston, West Virginia on September 19th. Check BroadbandUSA’s website for more information.


BroadbandUSA Practical Broadband Conversations Webinar Series
The Practical Broadband Conversations webinar series will resume on September 20th with a webinar focusing on digital skills and workforce development.


NTIA Events

August 21, 2017
BroadbandUSA Technical Assistance Planning and Funding Workshop
BroadbandUSA will host a half-day workshop in Des Moines, IA.

August 28-29, 2017
2017 Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) Exposition
BroadbandUSA is supporting the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) GCTC Exposition in Washington, D.C. Click here to learn more.

September 19, 2017
BroadbandUSA Technical Assistance Planning and Funding Workshop
BroadbandUSA will host a half-day workshop in Charleston, WV.

Events of Interest

August 3, 2017
Next Century Cities’ City-Vendor Connect Event
Next Century Cities is partnering with KC Digital Divide to host City-Vendor Connect in Kansas City, KS. Click here to learn more.

August 6-9, 2017
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Legislative Summit
BroadbandUSA will host an exhibition at the NCSL Legislative Summit in Boston, MA. Click here to learn more.

August 7, 2017
Missouri Mayor’s Digital Inclusion Summit: National and State Advocacy Panel
BroadbandUSA will attend this event in Kansas City, MO.

August 23-25, 2017
The Iowa State Association of Counties’ (ISAC) Annual Conference
BroadbandUSA will speak at the ISAC annual conference. Click here to learn more.

Policy Corner

The Senate Commerce Committee convened a hearing titled “An Update on FirstNet” on July 20th. Five witnesses testified at the hearing and answered questions regarding FirstNet and AT&T’s progress to date and future building and operating plans. Click here to read more.

Contact Us

If you are interested in receiving technical assistance, email or call 202-482-2048. For more information, visit our website at Follow us online: