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BroadbandUSA Newsletter May 2020

Vol 5 | Issue 5 | May 2020
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Kinkoph photoPolicy Corner: Our Commitment to Connectivity Needs
By Doug Kinkoph, Associate Administrator performing the delegated duties of the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information

I’m pleased to report that NTIA has been hard at work maintaining continuity of our operations while most of our employees have been teleworking during the unusual and difficult time for our country. On the spectrum front we have been working with businesses, federal stakeholders and the FCC to make sure our response to connectivity needs remains flexible. One way federal agencies can help during a time of increased demand is by enabling additional sharing of spectrum to provide short-term capacity for commercial services. NTIA has been working with agencies to accommodate these requests. Moving forward, NTIA will do all it can to help keep Americans connected to vital Internet services. Part of this work includes raising awareness of federal broadband resources, and I’m pleased to report that we’ve updated our BroadbandUSA website database of 57 federal broadband programs, spanning 14 federal agencies with billions of dollars for broadband grants, loans, and other resources. And we’re continuing our multistakeholder work on building a more secure software supply chain through the Software Bill of Materials initiative.

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NTIA Events

May 20, 2020
BroadbandUSA Practical Broadband Conversations Webinar Series
 Using Smart Technologies to Drive Regional Transformation
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
Local leaders are deploying smart technologies to address regional challenges, create economic efficiencies, improve sustainability, and enhance residential quality of life. Please join BroadbandUSA on May 20th to learn more about smart region efforts in Arizona, Colorado and the Great Lakes area. These initiatives focus on economic development, water quality, and the use of artificial intelligence to create stronger and more resilient communities. Speakers will also describe their work in the Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) Smart Regions Collaborative. The GCTC is a peer-to-peer learning and best practices development effort started in 2014 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In 2019, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) partnered with NIST for the Smart Regions Collaborative.


  • Dominic Papa, Vice President, Smart States Initiative, Arizona Commerce Authority

  • Eric H. Drummond, CEO and Founder, Innovation Corridor; Co-Founder and Chair GCTC- Supercomputer Modeling and AI Cluster

  • Mark Fisher, President and CEO, Council of the Great Lakes Region

Visit our Webinar Archives for past presentations, transcripts and audio recordings.