Vol 5 | Issue 10 | October 2020
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Policy Corner: Another Successful Spectrum Policy Symposium
By Adam Candeub, Acting Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
September marked the launch of NTIA’s 3rd annual Spectrum Policy Symposium. This virtual symposium brought together policy experts from across the federal government and private industry to discuss the most pressing issues facing spectrum management. The all-day event began with keynotes from U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Kelvin Droegemeier, and myself. While we focused on different specific accomplishments, all of us hit on the same fundamental: the U.S. is moving in the right direction to win the race to 5G. Later in the day two different panels of experts took up discussions on federal and private spectrum. In all, it was a productive and deeply constructive conversation, and NTIA is appreciative of everyone who gave their time to participate as keynote speakers, panelists, and audience members. If you missed the symposium or were only able to view part of it, the full webcast is available on our website.
Broadband News and Updates
Federal News
NTIA: Comments Received on Internet Use Survey Questionnaire Development
NIST: Smart Buildings: A Foundation for Safe, Healthy & Resilient Cities (GCTC)
FCC: FCC Opens Second E-Rate Application Window for Funding Year 2020
Education: Request for Comment: Administrative Priority and Definitions for Discretionary Grant Programs to Support Remote Learning
HUD: ConnectHomeUSA National Digital Inclusion Week Virtual Training Series
IMLS: American Libraries and Museums Awarded $13.8 Million in IMLS CARES Act Grants
State News
Alabama: Alabama Internet Vouchers Are in The Mail, State Agency Says
Florida: Nichols Joins Bipartisan Group Of Legislators Calling For State Broadband Plan
Kentucky: Electric Co-Op and Telephone Co-Op Partner to Bring Gigabit Service to Rural Kentucky
Minnesota: Minnesota Lawmakers Divided on Broadband Funding Issues
New Mexico: New Mexico Legislature Works on Broadband Expansion
New York: NSF funding to help erase upstate NY’s digital divide
North Carolina: Governor Cooper Announces Nearly $40 million to Connect Students and Communities to High-Speed Internet, Help Educators With Remote Learning
South Carolina: South Carolina to Start Expanding Broadband Efforts
Tennessee: Gov. Lee Announces $61 Million in Emergency Broadband Grants
U.S. Virgin Islands: Internet Providers Detail Plans to Keep V.I. Connected During Pandemic
West Virginia: Gov. Justice Discusses First Day of School; Announces Nearly 850 Kids Connect Wi-Fi Locations Online
Digital Inclusion
NDIA releases Revised Digital Inclusion Start-Up Manual
How Local CIOs Can Help Narrow the Digital Divide Amid COVID
Digital Equity Program in Maryland Adds Plume Wi-Fi to Its Internet Access
Sarasota County libraries look to the Internet to boost digital literacy
Public Safety/FirstNet
Chief Richard Carrizzo Named Vice Chair of FirstNet Authority Board
AT&T’s FirstNet Expands to Knox County to Advance Public Safety Communication Capabilities
FirstNet One, a Public Safety Blimp, Deployed in Louisiana for Hurricane Disaster Recovery Support
FirstNet Network Builds Cell Site in Romulus for First Responders
General News
NTIA Events
October 21, 2020
BroadbandUSA Practical Broadband Conversations Webinar Series
Topic: Digital Inclusion and K-12 Education: The Impact of COVID-19 on Students and Educators
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
The rapid shift to online learning can be a challenge for students, families, and educators – particularly in low-income, rural, and tribal communities. As the new school year begins, the longstanding issue of digital inclusion stands in sharp relief. Join BroadbandUSA on October 21stto learn how communities are helping students get connected, assisting parents and caregivers gain the skills to help their children navigate online learning environments, and transitioning educators to online teaching. This panel will explore the challenges that communities and schools are facing, their innovative solutions to keep students connected, and their plans to transition from short-term solutions to long-term sustainable programs.
Dr. Christine Diggs, Chief Technology Officer, Albermarle County Public Schools
Michael Culp, Director of Information Technology Department, Albermarle County
Kimball Sekaquaptewa, Chief Technology Director, Santa Fe Indian School
Joshua Edmonds, Director of Digital Inclusion, City of Detroit
Visit our Webinar Archives for past presentations, transcripts and audio recordings.
Contact Us. If you are interested in receiving technical assistance, please email broadbandusa@ntia.gov or call 202-482-2048. For more information, visit our website at broadbandusa.ntia.gov.