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State broadband website(s)
NTIA Federal Program Officer and State broadband contact(s)
Sarah Smith
Job Title
NTIA Federal Program Officer
Brandy Reitter
Job Title
Executive Director
Colorado Broadband Office
Broadband programs

Kids Link Colorado: The Kids Link Colorado Initiative is a partnership of EducationSuperHighway, the Colorado Department of Education, and the Governor’s Office designed to ensure that school districts have access to scalable infrastructure and every student and teacher has high-speed bandwidth in Colorado for digital learning.


Fort Lewis College Pilot: Fort Lewis College and the Office of the Future of Work partnered together through the Strada Recovery Incubator grant. The goal of the project is to create programming that provides digital literacy inclusion to an increasingly diverse workforce.


Remote Work Initiative: The Colorado Workforce Development Council, Colorado Department of Labor and Deployment, the Office of Economic Development and Trade, and the Economic Development Council of Colorado have teamed up to launch the Colorado Remote Work Initiative. The Initiative trains Coloradans how to compete in remote work environments by serving as a hub for relevant information and resources.

Funding for broadband

Connecting Colorado Students Grant Program (CCSG):  The passage of HB20B-1001 appropriated $20 million from the general fund to award grants through the Connecting Colorado Students Grant Program. The purpose of the grant program is to increase services for students, educators, and other staff who lack reliable Internet access for online learning.


Broadband Fund: The Broadband Development Board provides grants to expand broadband service to unserved areas of Colorado.


Broadband Planning and Infrastructure Grant: The Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund provides Broadband Planning Grants to conduct needs assessments, regional planning, strategies, and solutions to achieve a community’s broadband needs.


Middle Mile Infrastructure Grants: The Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund provides Middle Mile Infrastructure Grants providing local governments, districts, and other political subdivisions funds for middle mile infrastructure.

Note on Methodology

State information is gathered by BroadbandUSA using publicly available sources (e.g. state websites). The information is validated by the points-of-contact at each state-level agency(-ies). This information was last updated Fall 2022. The information is reviewed and updated periodically.

State Broadband Plan

Regional Broadband Plans have been completed in all 12 of the Department of Local Affair’s (DOLA) non-urban planning regions. Together, these plans make the state’s broadband plan.

State Code
Digital Inclusion Programs

State initiatives:

State of Colorado

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment: Digital Literacy and Employment


Local initiatives:

City and County of Denver

Locality Website: 

Denver Public Library Computer and Technology Access


Locality contact: 

Anya Dickson

Digital Equity Program Manager

Office of Social Equity & Innovation


Tracy Treece

Digital Inclusion Manager

Denver Public Library


Jessica Calderon

Director of Operations & Innovation

Office of Social Equity & Innovation


Digital Equity/Inclusion Coordinator:

Denver Public Library

Office of Social Equity & Innovation


Digital Equity/Inclusion Resources:

Technology Access: Computers and Chromebooks are available for use at the Denver Public Library. Members of the public who have a permanent library card may check out computers and/or hotspots for three months at a time.


Technology Education: The Denver Public Library offers technology classes and workshops on topics such as computer and Internet basics, finding and applying for jobs online, and more.


Technology Lesson Plans and Handouts: The Denver Public Library provides technology lesson plans and handouts. These are available in English and Spanish for self-learners, and/or those who would like to teach a class.