State Broadband Leaders Network (SBLN)
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) BroadbandUSA program convenes and facilitates the State Broadband Leaders Network (SBLN), a community of practitioners who work on state broadband initiatives. SBLN participants share priorities and best practices and discuss emerging telecommunications policy issues. The network also provides a forum to strengthen policy and program connections among states, local jurisdictions and federal agencies.
For more information on the SBLN, consult the SBLN Fact Sheet
State Broadband Programs
Select ‘state’ to review State Broadband Programs
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Maureen NeighborsDigital Expansion Division ChiefAlabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs334-353-0767
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Robert OsbornDirector, Communications DivisionCalifornia Public Utilities Commission(916) 327-7788
Jonathan LakritzProgram Manager, Communications DivisionCalifornia Public Utilities Commission(415) 703-1590
Maria EllisDeputy Director of BroadbandCalifornia Public Utilities Commission
Ali EshraghiBEAD Program SupervisorCalifornia Public Utilities Commission(415) 793-1183
Michael MinkusCommunications DivisionCalifornia Public Utilities Commissiono: (213) 372-1367 | m: (916) 905-7364
Laura SasakiBEAD Program Supervisor, California Public Utilities CommissionCalifornia Public Utilities Commission(530) 954-0358
Scott AdamsDeputy Director of Broadband and Digital Literacy, Office of Broadband and Digital LiteracyCalifornia Department of Technology(916) 661-2511
Kristina CroweBusiness Services Manager, Office of Broadband and Digital LiteracyCalifornia Department of Technology(916) 270-8697
Aracely HernandezDigital Inclusion Manager, Office of Broadband and Digital LiteracyCalifornia Department of Technology(916) 940-6554
Maria M. KellyBroadband Access & Deployment Advisor, Office of Broadband and Digital LiteracyCalifornia Department of Technology(916) 908-9527
Anh NguyenEngagement and Operations Manager, Office of Broadband and Digital LiteracyCalifornia Department of Technology(916) 937-2785
James SpencerBroadband Administrative Manager, Office of Broadband and Digital LiteracyCalifornia Department of Technology(916) 805-7695
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Lisa Von BargenSenior Project ManagerAlaska Broadband Office(907) 660-7877
State broadband coordinators:
The Alaska Broadband Office is located within the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development.
American Samoa
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Michael McDonaldAssistant Director of CommerceDepartment of Commerce, American Samoa Government(501) 682-7306
Ginger PorterContractorDepartment of Commerce, American Samoa Government(808) 956-9557
State broadband coordinators:
The Broadband CORD Office coordinates territorial broadband activities. It is located within the American Samoa Department of Commerce.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Brian ShermanChief Innovation OfficerArizona Commerce Authority(602) 845-1288
Sandip BhowmickVP of Infrastructure and State Broadband DirectorArizona Commerce Authority(602) 542-3595
Milan EatonState E-Rate DirectorArizona Department of Education, Information Technology(602) 542-3595
State broadband coordinators:
The Arizona Commerce Authority serves as the state’s point of contact for broadband related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Kimberly YoungAdministrative AnalystArkansas State Broadband Office(501) 683-6000
State broadband coordinators:
The Arkansas State Broadband Office serves as the state’s point of contact for broadband related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Burt CohenStaff Attorney & Broadband Policy CoordinatorOffice of Consumer Counsel(860) 827-2922
Doug CaseyExecutive DirectorConnecticut Commission for Educational Technology(860) 622-2224
Kevin PisacichDirectorOffice of Telecommunications and Broadband, Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy(860) 827-2638
State broadband coordinators:
The Office of State Broadband is located within the Office of Consumer Counsel, per Conn. Gen. Stat. 16-2a (c).
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Roddy FlynnBroadband Executive DirectorDepartment of Technology and Information
Tammy SheltonBroadband Program ManagerDepartment of Technology and Information
State broadband coordinators:
The Department of Technology and Information (DTI) is the state’s central IT organization, chartered to deliver core services to other state organizations and exercise governance over the technology direction and investments of the state.
District of Columbia
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Kevin HughesBroadband Director, DC State Broadband and Digital Equity OfficeOffice of the Chief Technology Officer
Henry LoftonDeputy Chief Technology OfficerOffice of the Chief Technology Officer
State broadband coordinators:
The State Broadband & Digital Equity Office is located within the Office of the Chief Technology Officer.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Paul WotherspoonChief of Broadband FundingOffice of Broadband, Florida Department of Economic Opportunity(850) 717-8403
Sean LewisChief of Broadband InitiativesOffice of Broadband, Florida Department of Economic Opportunity(850) 717-8526
State broadband coordinators:
Florida’s Office of Broadband is coordinated by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Jessica SimmonsDeputy Chief Information Officer for Broadband and Special ProjectsGeorgia Technology Authority(470) 261-6826
Sarah BaskaDirector of Broadband Program OperationsGeorgia Technology Authority(404) 823-8028
William GastonBroadband Infrastructure Manager, Georgia Broadband ProgramGeorgia Technology Authority(404) 452-9747
Oneisha FreemanDigital Connectivity ManagerGeorgia Technology Authority(470) 217-7289
State broadband coordinators:
The Georgia Broadband Program is a collaborative effort led by the Department of Community Affairs and the Georgia Technology Authority.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Tyrone J. TaitanoInfrastructure CoordinatorOffice of Infrastructure Policy and Development(671) 473-1152
Carlo CarinoAdministratorOffice of Infrastructure Policy and Development(671) 646-3154
State broadband coordinators:
The Office of Infrastructure Policy and Development within the Office of the Governor serves as the State Broadband Office.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Burt LumBroadband Strategy Officer, Hawaii Broadband & Digital Equity OfficeDepartment of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT)(808) 587-9001
Garret YoshimiVP for Information Technology and Chief Information OfficerUniversity of Hawaii (UH)(808) 956-3501
Jaren TenganBroadband CoordinatorDepartment of Hawaiian Home Lands(808) 620-9593
State broadband coordinators:
The Hawaii Broadband and Digital Equity Office is located within The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, and works in conjunction with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs on broadband-related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Ramón S. Hobdey-SánchezBroadband Development ManagerIdaho Department of Commerce
Ewa SzewczykGrants and Contracts OfficerIdaho Department of Commerce
Jake ReynoldsCommerce Administrator for Business Development and OperationsIdaho Department of Commerce
Kim GlineskiBroadband Project ManagerIdaho Department of Commerce
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Devon BraunsteinDirector, Illinois Office of BroadbandIllinois Office of Broadband, Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity(773) 550-1780
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Steve CoxState Infrastructure DirectorIndiana Office of Technology(317) 407-1530
State broadband coordinators:
The Indiana Broadband Office serves as the state’s point of contact for broadband related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Matt BehrensState Chief Information OfficerState of Iowa, Department of Management(515) 281-3462
Jessica TurbaSpecial Projects AdministratorState of Iowa, Department of Management, Office of the Chief Information Officer(515) 281-5503
Jeff BerckesDigital Equity Program ManagerState of Iowa, Department of Management, Office of the Chief Information Officer(515) 443-3873
State broadband coordinators:
The Office of the Chief Information Officer coordinates all broadband-related activities in the state.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Stephen SheltonBroadband Data and GIS AnalystKansas Office of Broadband Development(785) 481-8150
Morgan BarnesEngagement and Outreach ManagerKansas Office of Broadband Development(785) 480-8555
Kimberlyn JonesDigital Equity Program ManagerKansas Office of Broadband Development(785) 289-3345
State broadband coordinators:
The Kansas Office of Broadband Development is located within the Kansas Department of Commerce, per Executive Order No. 20-67.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Meghan SandfossExecutive DirectorOffice of Broadband Development(502) 330-8713
John HicksState Budget DirectorOffice of the State Budget Director(502) 564-1218
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Veneeth lyengarExecutive Director for Broadband and ConnectivityState of Louisiana(225) 219-7594
Thomas Tyler Jr.Deputy Director for Broadband and ConnectivityState of Louisiana(225) 342-7000
State broadband coordinators:
The Louisiana Department of Administration (DOLA) serves as the state’s point of contact for broadband related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Brian AllenbyCommunications DirectorMaine Connectivity Authority(207) 370-7439
Maggie Drummond-BahlStrategic Partnership DirectorMaine Connectivity Authority - Digital Equity Program Lead(207) 838-8658
Tanya EmeryEconomic Development DirectorMaine Connectivity Authority - BEAD Program Lead(207) 200-4770
State broadband coordinators:
The Maine Connectivity Authority serves as the state’s point of contact for broadband related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Ronnie K. HammondDirectorMaryland Office of Statewide Broadband(301) 429-7514
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Michael BaldinoDirector and General CounselMassachusetts Broadband Institute(508) 870-0312
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Eric FrederickChief Connectivity OfficerMichigan High-Speed Internet Office
Allie HerkenroderDigital Equity DirectorMichigan High-Speed Internet Office
Jessica RandallData/Policy Program ManagerMichigan High-Speed Internet Office
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Bree MakiExecutive Director, MN Office of Broadband DevelopmentMN Dept. of Employment and Economic Development(651) 259-7289
Diane WellsDeputy Director, MN Office of Broadband DevelopmentMN Dept. of Employment and Economic Development(651) 259-7613
Hannah BucklandDigital Equity Lead, MN Office of Broadband DevelopmentMN Dept. of Employment and Economic Development(651) 259-7267
Jenn FrostBroadband Grants Administrator, MN Office of BB DevelopmentMN Dept. of Employment and Economic Development(651) 259-7442
Karrie JansenBroadband Grants Administrator, MN Office of BB DevelopmentMN Dept. of Employment and Economic Development(651) 259-7140
Carol BossuytBroadband Grants Specialist, MN Office of BB Development.MN Dept. of Employment and Economic Development(651) 259-7159
State broadband coordinators:
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), Office of Broadband Development.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Sally Burchfield DotyDirectorBroadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM)
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
BJ TanksleyDirectorOffice of Broadband Development, Missouri Department of Economic Development(573) 522-6261
Adam ThorpCommunity Development SpecialistOffice of Broadband Development, Missouri Department of Economic Development(573) 526-4456
Jeff SuttererGrants ManagerOffice of Broadband Development, Missouri Department of Economic Development(573) 522-0338
D'Mitri FarthingDigital & Economic Opportunity SpecialistMissouri Department of Economic Development(573) 526-5415
State broadband coordinators:
The Office of Broadband Development is within Missouri’s Department of Economic Development.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Adam CarpenterState Data Officer/Broadband Program Mapping Contract ManagerMontana Department of Administration
Russ Katherman, P.E.Architecture & Engineering Division Administrator/Broadband Program Engineering Assessment/Contract ManagerMontana Department of Administration(406) 444-3332 | (406) 444-3104
Sarah BartowAgency Performance Advisor/Broadband Program Mapping Data AdvisorMontana Department of Administration(406) 444-4228
State broadband coordinators:
The Department of Administration serves as the state’s coordinator for broadband related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Patrick HaggertyDirectorNebraska State Broadband Office(402) 479-4409
Patrick RedmondDeputy DirectorNebraska State Broadband Office(402) 479-4324
Rachel KilcoinBroadband Communications DirectorNebraska State Broadband Office(402) 479-4756
State broadband coordinators:
The Nebraska State Broadband Office serves as the state’s point of contact for broadband related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Brian MitchellDirectorGovernor's Office of Science, Innovation, and Technology(775) 687-0988
State broadband coordinators:
New Hampshire
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Matthew ConservaBroadband Business AdministratorNH Department of Business & Economic Affairs (BEA)(603) 271-4963
State broadband coordinators:
The Office of Broadband Initiative is located within the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development.
New Jersey
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Valarry C. BullardDirectorNew Jersey State Office of Broadband Connectivity(609) 571-0196
Robert DudasDeputy DirectorNew Jersey State Office of Broadband Connectivity
Matthew BentleyDeputy Director of Federal Affairs/Bipartisan Infrastructure Law CoordinatorOffice of the New Jersey Governor(202) 772-5386
State broadband coordinators:
New Mexico
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Drew LovelaceActing Broadband DirectorOffice of Broadband Access and Expansion(505) 795-1672
State broadband coordinators:
The Broadband Access and Expansion Act (SB 93) was signed by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham on April 7, 2021, establishing the Office of Broadband Access and Expansion within the Department of Information Technology to serve as the state’s point of contact for broadband-related activities.
New York
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Joshua BreitbartSenior Vice PresidentConnectALL Office, Empire State Development
State broadband coordinators:
New York State Broadband Program Office serves as the state’s single point of contact for broadband development and deployment efforts.
North Carolina
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Nate DennyDeputy Secretary for Broadband and Digital EquityNCDIT Division of Broadband and Digital Equity(919) 397-2124
Emily GangiPolicy DirectorNCDIT Division of Broadband & Digital Equity(984) 960-6499
Annette TaylorDirectorNCDIT Office of Digital Equity & Literacy(984) 800-2644
State broadband coordinators:
The Division of Broadband & Digital Equity, located within the N.C. Department of Information Technology, is comprised of the Broadband Infrastructure Office and the nation’s first Office of Digital Equity and Literacy.
North Dakota
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Brian NewbyState Broadband Program DirectorND Information Technology(701) 328-9009
Brian NybakkenBroadband Program ManagerND Information Technology Department(701) 328-1565
State broadband coordinators:
The Information Technology Department is a cabinet agency, which oversees the state’s broadband related activities.
Northern Mariana Islands
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Glen HunterDirectorBroadband Policy & Development Office, CNMI Office of the Governor
Darlene DuBrallProgram ManagerBroadband Policy & Development Office, CNMI Office of the Governor
Frank CelisDE Project ManagerBroadband Policy & Development Office, CNMI Office of the Governor
Krissa Deleon GuererroBEAD Outreach CoordinatorBroadband Policy & Development Office, CNMI Office of the Governor
DeFaustina CamachoDE Outreach SpecialistBroadband Policy & Development Office, CNMI Office of the Governor
Dayna MacaranasMarketing and Social MediaBroadband Policy & Development Office, CNMI Office of the Governor
Melia JohnsonBPD Admin OfficerBroadband Policy & Development Office, CNMI Office of the Governor
Joseph TorresActing ChiefInformation Technology Services, Office of Information Technology
State broadband coordinators:
The Broadband Policy and Development Office within the Office of the Governor serves as the State Broadband Office.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Anna MillerManager of Digital Equity and InclusionOffice of BroadbandOhio
State broadband coordinators:
BroadbandOhio, housed within the Department of Development, is the state office dedicated to enhancing broadband-related activity within the state.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
State broadband coordinators:
The Oklahoma Broadband Office serves as the state’s point of contact for broadband related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Daniel HolbrookBroadband ManagerOregon Broadband Office, Business Oregon(503) 877-7006
State broadband coordinators:
The Oregon Broadband Office is placed within the Oregon Business Development Department, per ORS 285A.166.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
State broadband coordinators:
Puerto Rico
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Enrique A. Völckers-NinDeputy Secretary for Innovation, Information, Data & Technology, Government of Puerto RicoExecutive Director, Puerto Rico Broadband Program787-721-7000 ext. 3070
State broadband coordinators:
The Puerto Rico Broadband Program is located within the Puerto Rico Office of Management & Budget.
Rhode Island
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Daniela FairchildDirector of Operations and Special ProjectsRI Commerce Corporation(401) 278-9187
Brian ThornDirector of Broadband StrategyRhode Island Commerce Corporation(401) 278-9186
State broadband coordinators:
The Office of Broadband & Digital Equity, housed at Rhode Island Commerce, is engaged in statewide broadband mapping activities and efforts to close the digital divide in the state.
South Carolina
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Jim StritzingerBroadband DirectorSC Broadband Office, Office of Regulatory Staff(803) 737-8025
Mike HerzbergerDeputy DirectorSC Broadband Office, Office of Regulatory Staff(803) 737-3611
State broadband coordinators:
The Office of Broadband Coordinator within the Office of Regulatory Staff serves as the state’s point of contact for broadband related activities, enabled by Proviso 73.6.
South Dakota
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Jesse FonkertDeputy CommissionerGovernor’s Office of Economic Development(605) 408-0877
Sarah EbelingBroadband Grant SpecialistGovernor's Office of Economic Development(605) 367-4932
Andy OganTelecommunications Enterprise Architecture ManagerSD Bureau of Information & Telecommunications(605) 773-4357
State broadband coordinators:
The Governor’s Office of Economic Development oversees the ConnectSD Program.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Taylre BeatyState Broadband DirectorTennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD)(615) 906-1057
Emily HaleBroadband Grant Program ManagerTennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD)(615) 906-1057
Donovan SpannBroadband Infrastructure CoordinatorTennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD)
State broadband coordinators:
The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development serves as the state’s point of contact for broadband related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Gregory ConteDirector, State Broadband Development OfficeTexas Comptroller of Public Accounts(833) 3-TEXBDO (839236)
Andrea PachecoBroadband Outreach CoordinatorTexas Comptroller of Public Accounts(833) 3-TEXBDO (839236)
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Rebecca DilgDirectorGovernor’s Office of Economic Opportunity | Utah Broadband Center(801) 538-8681
Claire WarnickProgram ManagerGovernor’s Office of Economic Opportunity | Utah Broadband Center(801) 450-6682
State broadband coordinators:
The Utah Broadband Center in the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity is the state’s broadband office. It works to ensure that publicly funded broadband projects are accessible and provide a public benefit, develops the statewide digital connectivity plan, and administers the Broadband Access Grant Program.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Christine HallquistExecutive DirectorVermont Community Broadband Board(802) 636-7853
Robert FishRural Broadband Technical Assistance SpecialistVermont Community Broadband Board(802) 522-2617 (mobile)
Alissa MatthewsExecutive Assistant/GISVermont Community Broadband Board(802) 461-5773
State broadband coordinators:
The Division for Telecommunications and the Division for Connectivity and the Vermont Community Broadband Board coordinate broadband activities for the state.
Virgin Islands
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Jenifer O'NealDirectorOffice of Management and Budget (OMB)(340) 774-0750 ext. 2720
State broadband coordinators:
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Tamarah Holmes, Ph.D.Broadband Director, DHCD Office of BroadbandVirginia Department of Housing and Community Development(804) 371-7056
State broadband coordinators:
The Office of Broadband, Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) serves as the state’s point of contact for broadband related activities.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Aaron WheelerDirectorWA State Broadband Office, Department of Commerce(306) 918-1241
Connie RiveraBroadband Infrastructure Programs ManagerWA State Broadband Office, Department of Commerce(360) 704-9535
Sean ArdussiDigital Equity Programs SupervisorWA State Broadband Office, Department of Commerce(360) 480-5590
State broadband coordinators:
The Washington State Broadband Office is housed within the Washington State Department of Commerce.
West Virginia
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Kelly WorkmanDirectorWest Virginia Department of Economic Development, Office of Broadband(O) 304-352-4115 (C) 304-389-4882
Mitch CarmichaelCabinet SecretaryWest Virginia Department of Economic Development(304) 558-2234
Todd GoddardProject Manager, Innovation & Broadband (ARC, HUD, CDBG)WV Development Office(O) (304) 352-3986
Jamie HoffmannGIS Coordinator, ARPA Program ManagerWV Department of Economic Development, Office of Broadband(O) 304-352-3979 (C) 304-941-6389
Dottie UnderwoodFinance ManagerWest Virginia Department of Economic Development, Broadband Office(O) 304-352-3968 (C) 681-245-90979
Derek ZelkowskiDigital Equity Officer, Project CoordinatorWest Virginia Department of Economic Development, Broadband Office(O) 304-352-2398 (C) 304-380-8947
State broadband coordinators:
The West Virginia Development Office (WVDO), Office of Broadband and the West Virginia Broadband Enhancement Council work cooperatively to pursue broadband development in West Virginia.
State broadband website(s):
State broadband contact(s):
Alyssa KenneyState Broadband and Digital Equity DirectorWisconsin Broadband Office, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin(608) 267-2160
Rory TikalskyBroadband Expansion ManagerWisconsin Broadband Office (WBO), Public Service Commission of Wisconsin(608) 206-4397