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BroadbandUSA Newsletter February 2018

Volume 3 | Issue 2 | February 2018

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Public-Private Partnerships Key to Offering Public Wi-Fi Networks

College campuses have long offered public Wi-Fi networks to enhance learning environments and provide access while on campus. Cities and towns are offering the same similar services to spur economic development. The Global Cities Team Challenge (GCTC) produced a blueprint for cities interested in building Public Wi-Fi systems – particularly in outdoor and large spaces – and who would like practical and real-world advice. This month, BroadbandUSA is hosting a webinar on the Best Practices for Enhancing Deployment of a Public Wi-Fi Network. The webinar will highlight on two successful public Wi-Fi networks:

Schenectady, New York, installed Wi-Fi access points as part of its Union Street reconstruction project. This allowed the city to control lighting and other sensors to monitor devices, as well as provide a small scale Public Wi-Fi deployment. This network serves both businesses and residents in a 4- to 5-block area. The city also provides Wi-Fi access in front of City Hall, serving both residents and visitors to the City.

The City of San Leandro, California, added public Wi-Fi to a privately-financed, $10 million shopping center development in the downtown area. The Wi-Fi network, dubbed “SL Wi-Fiber,” is made possible by the Lit San Leandro fiber-optic loop, a public-private partnership between the City and Dr. Patrick Kennedy.

Register now for the webinar here.

Broadband News and Updates

Federal News

State News

Public Safety/FirstNet

Stakeholder Resources

Funding Opportunities

Other Broadband News

BroadbandUSA Spotlight

Last month’s BroadbandUSA webinar featured Innovative Funding Solutions for Digital Inclusion Programs. Leon Wilson, Chief of Digital Innovation & Chief Information Officer, Cleveland Foundation, noted that “every foundation has their core focus area that they fund, be it education, be it hunger, homelessness, you name it. I would challenge you, if I was wearing the hat as a digital inclusion provider, to think about how can you help them in that particular space. How can you help them with their social mission.” Rahman Khan, Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility, Charter Communications, noted that “we created a grant and this grant helps organizations to do the work.” He added that “we wanted to work with someone who is already on the ground working with local residents.” The webinar presentation, audio, and transcript is now available on-line at BroadbandUSA Webinars.


NTIA Events

February 21, 2018
BroadbandUSA Practical Broadband Conversations: Best Practices for Enhancing Deployment of a Public Wi-Fi Network from 2:00-3:00 p.m. EDT. This webinar will focus on the key factors to consider when planning and deploying a public Wi-Fi network and how it will enhance smart city efforts.

March 20, 2018
Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Broadband Summit Conference
BroadbandUSA, in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development, will host a Broadband Summit about ''Creating Partnerships to Ensure Access for All.'' This no-cost regional workshop targets broadband stakeholders at the local, regional, state and federal level as well as internet service providers and community organizations. Attendees will explore ways to partner to increase broadband deployment and improve broadband adoption to advance their overarching goals. For further information please contact Janice Wilkins at (202) 482-5791 or

Events of Interest

February 6 – 8, 2018
Smart and Secure Cities and Communities Challenge Kickoff
2018 Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) will be co-hosted by NIST and U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T) as the Smart and Secure Cities and Communities Challenge (SC3).

February 6 - 7, 2018
INCOMPAS Policy Summit in Washington D.C.
Attendees will hear about the current state of affairs and the future landscape of the communications atmos- phere from leaders in the industry, Members from Capitol Hill and the FCC.

February 9-13, 2018
American Association of School Librarians Mid-Winter Meeting in Denver, Colorado.
Meeting includes Affiliate Assembly, Board of Directors and Youth Council Caucus

February 11-14, 2018
National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) 2018 National Conference of Regions Forum
The National Conference of Regions is NARC’s forum to determine key policy issues and a legislative agenda for the year ahead, targeting topics central to our members’ missions and their local elected officials’ focus.

February 11-14, 2018
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) 2018 Winter Policy Summit
The Summit will convene an array of speakers from federal agencies, industry, the media, advocacy organizations, and more.

February 20 – 21, 2018
Utilities Technology Council 2018 Utilities Broadband Workshop
The Utilities Technology Council (UTC) is a global trade association dedicated to creating a favorable business, regulatory and technological environment for companies that own, manage or provide critical telecommunications systems in support of their core business.

February 22, 1018
Digital Learning Day Events
Started in 2012, Digital Learning Day has provided a powerful venue for education leaders to highlight great teaching practice and showcase innovative teachers, leaders, and instructional technology programs that are improving student outcomes.

February 22, 1018
GCTC Wireless SuperCluster Kickoff Webinar
Formerly the Public Wi-Fi SuperCluster, the Wireless SuperCluster mission is to track technologies, analyze their benefits and drawbacks, and educate stakeholders to assist in strategic decision-making. Webinar begins at 10:00am PST, the dial-in number is +1 (224) 501-3212 and the passcode: is 494103221# .

February 23, 1018
National Governors Association (NGA) Winter Meeting
The Winter Meeting offers a unique platform for governors to discuss important issues facing the country, and an opportunity to share the innovative solutions happening every day at the state level.

February 25—28, 1018
The Rural Broadband Association (NTCA) Rural Telecom Industry Meeting & Expo (RTIME)
RTIME 2018 provides attendees with the expertise and shared knowledge to elevate their customer experience within all facets of telecommunications services.

March 18 – 21, 2018 2018
National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference
Conferees will learn how we can align stakeholders, resources, and strategies to better face these challenges, strengthen our communities, and produce lasting impact. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas recently released a report on the importance of broadband access for community development.

Policy Corner

On January 9, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information David Redl delivered remarks at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mr. Redl highlighted NTIA’s roles in ensuring America’s 5G leadership, strengthening cybersecurity and protecting Internet freedom. Click here to read the transcript of his remarks.


BroadbandUSA Practical Broadband Conversations Webinar Series
Topic: Best Practices for Enhancing Deployment of a Public Wi-Fi Network
Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2018, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EDT
Overview: This webinar will focus on the key factors to consider when planning and deploying a public Wi-Fi network and how it will enhance smart city efforts. Speakers will highlight the information needed in order to make informed decisions concerning the implementation of the network, potential partnership and funding options, and technical aspects. The speakers participated in the Global Cities Public Wi-Fi Blueprint development and are eager to share their insights.

Please pre-register for the webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Registration link: register/4412084363232619777

Want to access past Practical Broadband Conversations webinars?

Visit our webinar archives for past presentations, transcripts and audio recordings.

BroadbandUSA Resources

BroadbandUSA: Introduction to Effective Public-Private Partnerships provides an overview of common broadband partnerships, the factors communities should consider in developing a successful partnership model, and tips and best practices NTIA has observed through its oversight of $4.5 billion in broadband grants to public, private and joint projects across the country.

NTIA's BroadbandUSA program promotes innovation and economic growth by supporting efforts to expand broad- band access and meaningful use across America. In this role, BroadbandUSA serves communities, industry and non-profits that want to expand broadband infrastructure and promote digital inclusion.

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If you are interested in receiving technical assistance, please send an email to or call 202-482-2048.

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