Mountain View, CA Please join NTIA for a regional broadband summit featuring broadband leaders from across California and beyond. The California Broadband Workshop is a FREE workshop designed to share best practices and lessons learned from successful network infrastructure build-outs and innovative digital inclusion programs in California and surrounding states, including projects funded by NTIA’s Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) and State Broadband Initiative (SBI) grant programs. The California Broadband Workshop will explore the impact of high-speed Internet networks on local and regional economic development, discuss public private partnerships and other proven business models, and examine effective approaches to network deployment and broadband adoption initiatives. Agenda Invitation to Tribal Breakfast, November 17 Webcast information WHEN: Tuesday, November 17, 2015; from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM (PST) WHO: The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (U.S. Department of Commerce). Featured speakers will include federal, state and local officials, policymakers, funders, industry providers, community activists and other broadband leaders. (Agenda Below) WHERE: Computer History Museum View Map 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd. Mountain View, CA 94043 COST: Free LODGING: Special rates available at The Grand Hotel 865 W El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 www.svgrandhotel.com Tel.: (408) 893-2663 Limited rooms available at the special rate $219 per night