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Department of Housing and Urban Development - Community Development Block Grant

Federal Agency/Bureau
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Program Name
Community Development Block Grant
Authorizing Legislation

Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.)

Program Overview

The CDBG Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to states and local governments, to be used for economic and community development, principally for low and moderate-income persons. 


14.218 Entitlement and Nonentitled Hawaiian County CDBG, 14.225 Insular Areas CDBG, and 14.228 State CDBG

Type of Funding


Link to application site, NOFO, FOA, or (if different from program website above)

CDBG funding opportunities for broadband vary by local jurisdiction. The contact information for your local CDBG grantee can be found here: Note: if you don't see your city or county listed, please reach out to your State CDBG grantee for more information about opportunities in rural and suburban areas. 

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) or Federal Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Type

Other (i.e. one-time funding): Annual Formula Allocation

Important Dates (if applicable)

Program year cycles vary by grantee

FY2023 Appropriations Amount

Total Amount: $3.3 Billion

Amount Available Towards Broadband (if specified):

Matching Requirement


Complementary Federal Funding Option

CDBG is often treated as gap financing for projects with other public and private financing.

Broadband-related Program Purpose/Eligible Expenditures
If "Other", Program Purpose(s)

Economic development assistance to businesses, including broadband service providers

Speed/Technical Requirement for Broadband Infrastructure

Not Applicable

If "Other", Eligible Recipient(s)

A nonprofit can be a subrecipient of funding. Additionally, a privately owned utility and other entities may be assisted by a local government with CDBG funds. 

Criteria for Eligible Recipients

Communities use CDBG funds for projects initiated and developed at the local level based on local needs, priorities, and benefits. There are 26 statutory eligible activities that include public facilities, infrastructure, housing, economic development, and planning. Each activity must also meet a National Objective of either: 1) benefitting low and moderate-income persons; 2) eliminating slums or blight; or 3) addressing urgent needs for community health and safety

Grant Beneficiaries (if different from eligible recipients)

CDBG must principally benefit for low- and moderate-income persons. 

Contact Information
Additional Information
  1. This document describes the optional use of CDBG funds for broadband, 
  2. This document describes CDBG and HUD's Connect Home program:
  3. This document describes how broadband is addressed in a grantee's plan. Those plans also address a variety of other community development needs and are used when the grantee selects funding priorities:

March 2023

Funding Guide
HUD_CDBG.pdf (628 KB)