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Final BEAD Alternative Broadband Technology Policy Notice


The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Infrastructure Act), enacted in November 2021, includes funding for robust investment in American infrastructure projects. The Act includes the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, which provides $42.45 billion of funding to achieve reliable, affordable, and high-speed Internet coverage throughout the United States. See Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 § 60102, 47 U.S.C. § 1702.

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), as the agency responsible for administering the BEAD Program, provides herein additional guidance to assist Eligible Entities (States, Territories, and the District of Columbia) when considering an Alternative Technology subgrant.1

NTIA sought feedback from the public from August 26, 2024 to September 10, 2024 on the BEAD Alternative Broadband Technology Policy Notice to provide additional guidance to Eligible Entities regarding the use of Alternative Technology to serve unserved and underserved locations within their jurisdiction. NTIA thanks the 138 stakeholders that filed comments.

This Policy Notice elaborates on, but does not replace, the requirements outlined in the BEAD Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)2 that each Eligible Entity must satisfy for the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information to approve its Initial Proposal and Final Proposal.3

Version Number: 1.0
Last Modified: 12/19/2024

1See infra Section 2 defining “Alternative Technology.”

2NTIA, Notice of Funding Opportunity, Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program (2022), BEAD NOFO.pdf ( Capitalized terms not defined herein will be ascribed the definitions in the NOFO.

3This document is intended solely to assist Eligible Entities and subgrant applicants in better understanding the BEAD Program and the requirements set forth in the NOFO and follow-on policies and guidance. This document does not and is not intended to supersede, modify, or otherwise alter applicable statutory or regulatory requirements, the terms and conditions of the award, or the specific application requirements set forth in the NOFO. In all cases, statutory and regulatory mandates, the terms and conditions of the award, the requirements set forth in the NOFO, and follow-on policies and guidance, shall prevail over any inconsistencies contained in this document.

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