Broadband Infrastructure Deployment
Scoring Big on your Middle Mile Application Series: Budget Information
With the September 30, 2022, application deadline for the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program just days away, it’s time for NTIA’s third and final post in our “Scoring Big” series. Our aim is to help applicants submit complete, informed, and high-quality applications.
Scoring Big on Your Middle Mile Application Series: Project Information
Who Are Middle Mile Providers?
Scoring Big on Your Middle Mile Application Series: Understanding Review and Applicant Information
Why Middle Mile Matters
Middle mile infrastructure bridges the gap between where information is stored and the people interacting with it – it's an essential part of reliable, high-speed Internet access. Because of the nation’s middle mile networks, anyone in America can transfer data across the world, enabling community, competition, learning, and well-being.
Internet for All Webinar Series - Workforce Requirements and Guidance
A highly-skilled, diverse, and equitable broadband workforce is critical to the success of the Internet For All programs. This webinar outlines effective strategies and program examples for Eligible Entities and potential subgrantees to consider as they implement NTIA's workforce requirements and guidance.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $65 billion to expand high-speed internet service. It funds programs that support planning, infrastructure, and adoption efforts as well as programs that promote digital equity and inclusion.
NTIA Launches Updated Federal Broadband Funding Guide
Access to the Internet plays a critical role, serving as a catalyst for work, education, essential services, and more as part of routines in everyday life. But, even today, for many Americans, access to affordable, reliable, high-speed internet is still out of reach.