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Digital Skills Training

October 2020 Webinar: Digital Inclusion and K-12 Education: The Impact of COVID-19 on Students and Educators

Description: The rapid shift to online learning can be a challenge for students, families, and educators – particularly in low-income, rural, and tribal communities. As the new school year begins, the longstanding issue of digital inclusion stands in sharp relief.

May 2020 Webinar: Using Smart Technologies to Drive Regional Transformation

Local leaders are deploying smart technologies to address regional challenges, create economic efficiencies, improve sustainability, and enhance residential quality of life. Please join BroadbandUSA on May 20 to learn more about smart region efforts in Arizona, Colorado and the Great Lakes area.  These initiatives focus on economic development, water quality, and the use of artificial intelligence to create stronger and more resilient communities. Speakers will also describe their work in the Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) Smart Regions Collaborative.

Webinar Highlights Efforts to Build Digital Workforce Skills at the Local Level

A digitally skilled workforce is essential for the economic development of our nation’s communities. The BroadbandUSA November 20, 2019 webinar, “Building Digital Workforce Skills at the Local Level,” showcased initiatives in Seattle, Omaha and rural Mississippi that help individuals develop technology skills, such as basic digital literacy, STEM and coding, needed for a digital economy.

February 2020 Webinar: The Role of States in Expanding Broadband Access

The majority of states across the country are increasing resources devoted to broadband deployment, supporting digital inclusion initiatives and focusing their attention towards broadband policy coordination across different state agencies. While there is no one size fits all, states are implementing innovative approaches to increase broadband access and adoption.

November 2019 Webinar: Building Digital Workforce Skills at the Local Level

A digitally skilled workforce is essential for the economic development of our nation’s communities. Companies of all sizes need employees that understand technology, whether it’s on the business or operational side of the organization. Join BroadbandUSA to hear how local leaders are building partnerships between governments, businesses, nonprofits and education to help residents attain the skills needed to thrive in a digital economy.


April 2019 Webinar: HBCU Model Programs and Practices for Building a Competitive Cybersecurity Workforce

The expansion of 5G and the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is creating an increasing need for secure networks across many platforms and technologies. Innovative programs for cybersecurity awareness, education, training, and workforce development are essential to protect and defend against potential cyber-attacks, but finding qualified people to work in this area is increasingly difficult. This webinar will highlight educational programs that address training for cybersecurity professionals focusing on contributions made by Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

September Webinar: Digital Training and Workforce Development Discussion

One in four jobs added to the economy over the next decade will be in technology and health care, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and jobs in every sector will require increased math, computer and digital literacy skills. As a result, the demand for a highly skilled, digitally trained workforce is high. Communities are taking the lead to ensure that their workforce is ready to attract and support emerging industries and businesses. Join this BroadbandUSA conversation to learn how local leaders are preparing the workforce for the digital skills needed today and tomorrow.

July 2018 Webinar: Statewide Strategies for Rural Digital Inclusion

This webinar focused on statewide strategies to promote broadband adoption and use in rural communities.  Speakers highlighted the role of state governments, libraries and university extension programs in planning and executing these strategies. The speakers also discussed the role of broadband adoption in rural economic and workforce development, as well as approaches to facilitate broadband use and improve digital skills.


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