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Broadband Infrastructure Deployment

Local Coordination in NOFOs

Local and Tribal coordination and stakeholder engagement is critical to the success of the Internet For All programs. This webinar will provide an in-depth look into what successful local coordination and outreach activities look like to engage local governments, community groups, union and worker organizations, Tribal Governments, and underrepresented populations.

Internet for All Webinar Series – Review Top FAQs of the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program Application

This webinar provides an opportunity to hear more about the frequently asked questions (FAQs) for the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program and to ask the project team questions ahead of the application deadline. This webinar will provide applicants with technical assistance and prepare them to write high-quality applications.

Internet for All Webinar Series - Financial Portion of the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program Application

This webinar will provide an in-depth look at the budget narrative and detailed budget justification that must be provided in Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program applications. This webinar will provide applicants with technical assistance and prepare them to write high-quality applications.

Internet for All Webinar Series - Project Portion of the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program Application

This webinar will provide an in-depth look at all the parameters that proposed projects must meet under the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program. This webinar will provide applicants with technical assistance and prepare them to write high-quality applications.

Internet for All Webinar Series - Applicant Portion of the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program Application

This webinar will provide an in-depth look at how eligible entities can access the NTIA Grants Portal and apply for the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program. This webinar will provide applicants with technical assistance and prepare them to write high-quality applications.

Internet for All Webinar Series - Tribal Engagement Webinar

This webinar will be an informational session about how tribes can engage in the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure (Middle Mile) Program, and the Digital Equity Act programs.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $65 billion to expand high-speed internet service. It funds programs that support planning, infrastructure, and adoption efforts. Programs promote digital equity and inclusion. Our goal is for everyone to have the skills and access they need to get connected.

IIJA Broadband Program Pre-NOFO Technical Assistance Webinar 5: Supply Chain and Workforce Development

On May 11, staff from NTIA’s Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth (OICG) held a fifth technical assistance webinar prior to the release of the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the broadband programs authorized under the Broadband Infrastructure Law (BIL), also known as the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act (IIJA).

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