Digital Equity Act Programs
Too many communities lack access to high-speed internet. Many more can't afford it or don't know how to use it. The divide between those who have internet access and those who don't is stark. To create an equitable economy, we all need access to reliable and affordable high-speed internet.
The Digital Equity Act provides $2.75 billion to establish three grant programs that promote digital equity and inclusion. They aim to ensure that all people and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to reap the full benefits of our digital economy.
State Digital Equity Planning Grant
A $60M formula grant program for states, territories and tribal governments to develop digital equity plans.
Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program
A $1.44 billion formula grant program for states, territories, and tribal governments
Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program
A $1.25 billion grant program. It will fund annual grant programs for five years to implement digital equity projects
A Community Conversation on Creating Digital Opportunities in Montana
Join NTIA's Digital Equity Director Angela Bennett, Tribal Leaders, Elected Officials, and Broadband Advocates for a Community Conversation on Creating Digital Opportunities at the Missoula Public Library in Missoula, Montana, on September 10, 2024, from 11:00 AM MT/1:00 PM ET to 1:00 PM MT/3:00 PM ET.
A Community Conversation on Digital Equity, Job Creation, and Entrepreneurship in Michigan
Join NTIA's Assistant Secretary Alan Davidson and Detroit Mayor's Office for a Community Conversation on Digital Equity, Job Creation, and Entrepreneurship at the Coleman Young Municipal Center in Detroit, Michigan, on August 28, 2024, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM ET.
It will bring together community leaders, nonprofit advocates, entrepreneurs, and academic allies to highlight digital equity milestones and efforts to create economic opportunities. This event will be livestreamed and open to press.
Venue: Public Safety Headquarters, Skylar Room
Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar: Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program FAQ Webinar
This webinar is meant to provide guidance to applicants for the Digital Equity Competitive Application Grant. It will cover the latest published Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program.
If you would like to request an accommodation to participate in these office hours, please email your request to by September 3. An NTIA staff member will follow up with you shortly regarding your request.
Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar: Troubleshooting the NGP
This webinar is meant to provide guidance to applicants for the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program. This time will be dedicated to providing potential applicants with tech support for the NTIA Grants Portal (NGP).
If you would like to request an accommodation to participate in these office hours, please email your request to by August 28. An NTIA staff member will follow up with you shortly regarding your request.
Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar, Part 5: Consolidated Budget Form
This webinar is meant to provide guidance to applicants for the Digital Equity Competitive Application Grant. It will focus on the consolidated budget form.
Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar, Part 4: Plans (Risk, Etc.)
This webinar is meant to provide guidance to applicants for the Digital Equity Competitive Application Grant. It will focus on required plan components of the application.
If you would like to request an accommodation to participate in these office hours, please email your request to by August 14. An NTIA staff member will follow up with you shortly regarding your request.
Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar, Part 3: Project Narrative
This webinar is meant to provide guidance to applicants for the Digital Equity Competitive Application Grant. It will focus on the elements required for the project narrative.
If you would like to request an accommodation to participate in these office hours, please email your request to by August 8. An NTIA staff member will follow up with you shortly regarding your request.
Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar, Part 2: Registration, Partnerships, LOCs
This webinar is meant to provide guidance to applicants for the Digital Equity Competitive Application Grant. It will focus on registration, partnerships, and Letters of Commitment.
If you would like to request an accommodation to participate in these office hours, please email your request to by August 7. An NTIA staff member will follow up with you shortly regarding your request.
Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar, Part 1: Standard Forms
This webinar is meant to provide guidance to applicants for the Digital Equity Competitive Application Grant. It will focus on standard forms.
If you would like to request an accommodation to participate in these office hours, please email your request to by August 1. An NTIA staff member will follow up with you shortly regarding your request.