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Bridging the Gap: Leveraging Digital Equity to Enhance Accessibility and Inclusion in the Workplace

By: Francella Ochillo, Director, Office of Public Engagement, NTIA

In observance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) recently held a webinar focused on specific ways government agencies, nonprofits, companies, and academic institutions can build inclusion and economic opportunities in the workplace.

Key Takeaways

The webinar featured two keynote speakers: Dr. Bryna Helfer, Director of Employment Supports and Innovative Partnerships at the Department of Labor; and Dr. Christine Firkins, Account Executive at Convo Communications. Dr. Helfer and Dr. Firkins outlined how organizations can recruit and retain people with disabilities through strategies designed to build an inclusive workplace.

Dr. Firkins emphasized the need for companies to remain flexible and avoid overanalyzing when developing their inclusion policies. She noted that it is easy to focus on the “one or two cannots versus the array of cans” when considering how people with disabilities contribute to the workforce. She suggested that organizations take four critical steps to build a more inclusive workplace:

  1. Understand barriers in the job application process
  2. Prioritize accessibility throughout employment
  3. Foster an inclusive environment
  4. Commit to continuous improvement

To avoid over-complicating the process, she suggested that companies “start focusing on one disability at a time, truly making sure that the whole process is complete” rather than attempting to solve every inclusivity issue at once.

“By creating an inclusive workforce, it makes everyone thrive. I’ve noticed the energy is different when everyone feels supported.”

Christine Firkins, EdD, Account Executive, Convo Communications

Dr. Helfer discussed a recently-released Department of Labor toolkit that offers strategies to recruit, hire, retain, and advance workers with disabilities in good jobs in construction, manufacturing, and clean energy. The toolkit helps by “intentionally centering diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility,” but Dr. Helfer noted that “a person’s career is not defined just by high quality education and training opportunities, but their success is also dependent on their ability to access accessible housing, accessible transportation, and accessible technology.”

She also mentioned that it is essential to bring people with disabilities center-stage when it comes to discussing their accommodations, which allows companies and organizations to “intentionally center diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in their work.”

“Employees with disabilities know their disability better than anyone, and it is important to work together to identify how to build in accommodations that are possible.”

Bryna Helfer, EdD, Director of Employment Supports and Innovative Partnerships, Department of Labor

Learn More and Get Involved: Digital Inclusion Resources at NTIA

This webinar was just one recent Department of Commerce event intended to examine disability issues and work towards inclusivity. Another successful event, the first-ever National Disability Leadership Summit held in September 2024, emphasized the Biden-Harris Administration's commitment to celebrate, empower, and connect people with disabilities with appropriate stakeholders to improve and create more impactful opportunities and integrations. NTIA recognizes the importance of building inclusivity in the workplace and broader digital inclusion efforts. The Digital Equity Act programs focus on empowering “Covered Populations,” including, for example, individuals with disabilities. Through the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program, all 56 states and territories now have a digital equity plan in place to promote widespread adoption of high-speed Internet service among various Covered Populations, including individuals living with disabilities. Interested parties should contact their state’s broadband office to learn more.

Additionally, the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program supports efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption and meaningful use of broadband among the Covered Populations, including persons with disabilities. NTIA is reviewing applications and expects to begin making award announcements on a rolling basis this winter.

Want to learn more? Check out NTIA’s Guide to Serving Individuals with Disabilities to learn about effective digital inclusion practices. Additionally, access the post-event materials, including a full recording and slide deck, for the 2024 National Disability Employment Awareness Month Webinar.